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Showing posts from July, 2019

How much does it cost to start a landscaping business?

Starting any new business can be an experience to deprive you of sleep and bite your nails, and starting a new landscaping business is certainly no different. It takes time, money, perseverance and, sometimes, good luck. One of the frustrations I hear from landscaping companies is that money always comes out faster than it is coming. Newly minted gardening professionals complain that every time they turn they have to buy something just to get the job done. My answer to all the challenges and problems that may arise when starting a new landscape business is the same for each new owner: take the time to write a good business plan. Many problems can be avoided if you understand where you want your new business to go from and how much it will cost to get there. The good news is that you can start a gardening business for little money if you are willing and can start small enough. We still had much ahead, so much to learn. We were operating 100% in our desire to learn and do the